Grizzly Bear Re-Identification Project
The most amazing days of my life were those I spent in Alaska, collaborating with biologists from Alaska Pacific University to study grizzly bears. To understand each bear's identity, origins, and movements, we developed AI tools for non-invasive recognition and tracking. Utilizing advanced computer vision techniques, we could identify these magnificent creatures, unraveling the mysteries of their behavior and journeys.
Take a look at these cute bears I photographed.

A curious cub fascinated by our presence, offering a rare glimpse into the innocent inquisitiveness of young wildlife.

A mother bear passing by. She is very tolerant to us.

A naughty boy who is watching other bears fight from a distance. (This image was captured through a telescope.)

An adult bear at ease, resting peacefully after a hearty meal 🐟. (This image was also captured through a telescope.)

The mating bears in the mating season.